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English Grammar for Students of Japanese
English Grammar for Students of Japanese
Author: Simon, Mutsuko E.
Edition/Copyright: 1994
ISBN: 0-934034-16-8
Publisher: Olivia and Hill Press
Type: Paperback
New Print:  $22.95
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Table of Contents

Thousands of students like you have found the solution in the clear, simple text of English Grammar for Students of Japanese. This easy-to-use handbook is specifically designed to teach you the English Grammar you need to learn Japanese grammar more quickly and efficiently.

  Table of Contents

To the Student

  1. What is a Noun?
  2. What is a Pronoun?
  3. What is a Personal Pronoun?
  4. What is Meant by Number?
  5. What is the Possessive?
  6. What is a Verb?
  7. What are the Uses of the Verb "To Be"?
  8. What is an Auxiliary Verb?
  9. What is a an Adjective?
  10. What is a Descriptive Adjective?
  11. What is a and Adverb?
  12. What is a Preposition?
  13. What is a Conjunction?
  14. What is an Interjection?
  15. What are Prefixes and Suffixes?
  16. What is Meant by Polite and Plain Forms?
  17. What is Meant by Inflection?
  18. What is Meant by the Inflection of a Verb?
  19. What is Meant by the Inflection of the Verb "To Be"?
  20. What is Meant by the Inflection of an Adjective?
  21. What is a Subject?
  22. What is a Topic?
  23. What is a Predicate?
  24. What are Objects?
  25. What are Sentences and Clauses?
  26. What are Affirmative and Negative Sentences?
  27. What are Declarative and Interrogative Sentences?
  28. What is an Interrogative Word?
  29. What is a Demonstrative Word?
  30. What are Indefinite and Negative Pronouns?
  31. What are Indefinite and Negative Adverbs?
  32. What is Meant by Tense?
  33. What is the Present Tense?
  34. What is the Future Tense?
  35. What is the Past Tense?
  36. What is the Progressive?
  37. What is the Imperative?
  38. What is Meant by Active and Passive Voice?
  39. What is the Causative Construction?
  40. What is the Causative-Passive Construction?
  41. What are the Different Types of Sentences and Clauses?
  42. What is a Conditional Clause?
  43. What is a Relative Clause?
  44. What are Direct and Indirect Quotations?
  45. What are Direct and Indirect Questions?

Answer Key


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