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Jungle (Trade)
Jungle (Trade)
Author: Sinclair, Upton
Edition/Copyright: 2003
ISBN: 1-59308-118-9
Publisher: Barnes&Noble Classics
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $7.50
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Upton Sinclair�s muckraking masterpiece The Jungle centers on Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian immigrant working in Chicago�s infamous Packingtown. Instead of finding the American Dream, Rudkus and his family inhabit a brutal, soul-crushing urban jungle dominated by greedy bosses, pitiless con-men, and corrupt politicians.
While Sinclair�s main target was the industry�s appalling labor conditions, the reading public was most outraged by the disgusting filth and contamination in American food that his novel exposed. As a result, President Theodore Roosevelt demanded an official investigation, which quickly led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug laws. For a work of fiction to have such an impact outside its literary context is extremely rare. (At the time of The Jungle�s publication in 1906, the only novel to have led to social change on a similar scale in America was Uncle Tom�s Cabin.)

Today, The Jungle remains a relevant portrait of capitalism at its worst and an impassioned account of the human spirit facing nearly insurmountable challenges.

Book Dimensions 8" x 5 1/4"


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