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Creative Thinkering
Creative Thinkering
Author: Michalko, Michael
Edition/Copyright: 2011
ISBN: 1-60868-024-X
Publisher: New World Library
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $13.50
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The question isn't "Why are some people creative and others not?" But why isn't everyone creative? Where and how was this human talent lost? Why doesn't education foster more creativity instead of less? Why is it that the more expert we become in our fields the less creative and innovative we become? Why are so many so amazed when someone creates anything, as if it were a miracle? Creative Thinkering will answer these questions and show readers how to awaken this lost talent and resurrect their natural creativity. It will explain how the prejudices of logic have heavily limited and structured our imaginationa in terms of existing categories and concepts. It will give readers the tools and strategies they need to recapture freedom to thought and to unstructured and expand their imaginations. Creativity in all domains including science, technology, medicine, the arts, and day-to-day living, emerges from the basic mental operation of conceptual blending (combining) of dissimilar subjects. An analogy that captures this concept of blending is when hydrogen and oxygen merge to form water, which is a property quite different from either of the component gases that make it up. This book demonstrates natural creativity which is the ability to synthesize dissimilar subjects.


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