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Traditions and Encounters, Brief Global Volume I - Text Only
Traditions and Encounters, Brief Global Volume I - Text Only
Author: Bentley, Jerry
Edition/Copyright: 3RD 14
ISBN: 0-07-741205-2
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $110.50
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Table of Contents
Based on Bentley and Ziegler's best-selling, comprehensive survey text, Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History provides a streamlined account of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history. An effective part structure organizes developments into seven eras of global history, putting events into perspective and creating a framework for cross-cultural comparisons, while the strong themes of traditions (the formations and development of the world's major societies) and encounters (cross-cultural interactions and exchanges) bring focus to the human experience and help turn the giant story of world history into something more manageable. With an engaging narrative, visual appeal, extended pedagogy, and a strong emphasis on critical thinking, this concise version offers enhanced flexibility and affordability without sacrificing the features that have made the complete text a favorite among instructors and students alike.
  Table of Contents
Part I: The Early Complex Societies, 3500 to 500 B.C.E.
Chapter 1: The Foundations of Complex Societies
The Transition to Agriculture
The Quest for Order
The Formation of a Complex Society and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions
The Broader Influence of Mesopotamian Society
The Indo-European Migrations
Chapter 2: Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations
Early Agricultural Society in Africa
The Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions
Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 3: Early Societies in South and East Asia
Harapan Society
The Indo-European Migrations and Early Aryan India
Religion in the Vedic Age
Political Organization in Early China
Society and Family in Ancient China
Early Chinese Writing and Cultural Development
Ancient China and the Larger World
Chapter 4: Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania
Early Societies of Mesoamerica
Early Societies of South America
Early Societies of Oceania
Part II: The Formation of Classical Societies, 500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.
Chapter 5: The Empires of Persia
The Rise and Fall of the Persian Empires
The Achaemenid Empire
Imperial Society and Economy
Religions of Salvation in Classical Persian Society
Chapter 6: The Unification of China
In Search of Political and Social Order
The Unification of China
From Economic Prosperity to Social Disorder
Chapter 7: State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India
The Fortunes of Empire in Classical India
Economic Development and Social Distinctions
Religions of Salvation in Classical India
Chapter 8: Mediterranean Society under the Greeks and Romans
Early Development of Greek Society
Greece and the Larger World
The Fruits of Trade: Greek Economy and Society
The Cultural Life of Classical Greece
From Kingdom to Republic
From Republic to Empire
Economy and Society in the Roman Mediterranean
The Cosmopolitan Mediterranean
Chapter 9: Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads
Long-Distance Trade and the Silk Roads Network
Cultural and Biological Exchanges along the Silk Roads
China after the Han Dynasty
The Fall of the Roman Empire
Part III: The Post-Classical Era, 500 to 1000 C.E.
Chapter 10: The Commonwealth of Byzantium
The Early Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Economy and Society
Classical Heritage and Orthodox Christianity
The Influence of Byzantium in Eastern Europe
Chapter 11: The Expansive Realm of Islam
A Prophet and His World
The Expansion of Islam
Economy and Society of the Early Islamic World
Islamic Values and Cultural Exchanges
Chapter 12: The Resurgence if Empire in East Asia
The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China
The Economic Development of Tang and Song China
Cultural Change in Tang and Song China
Chinese Influence in East Asia
Chapter 13: India and the Indian Ocean Basin
Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms
Production and Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin
The Meeting of Hindu and Islamic Traditions
The Influence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia
Part IV: An Age of Cross Cultural Interaction, 1000 to 1500 C.E.
Chapter 14: Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration
Turkish Migrations and Imperial Expansion
The Mongol Empires
After the Mongols
Chapter 15: States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa
Effects of Early African Migrations
African Society and Cultural Development
Islamic Kingdoms and Empires
Chapter 16: Western Europe during the Middle Ages
The Quest for Order and the Establishment of Regional States
Economic Growth and Social Development
European Christianity during the High Middle Ages
The Medieval Expansion of Europe
Chapter 17: World Apart: Beyond the Eastern Hemisphere
States and Empires in Mesoamerica and North America
States and Empires in South America
The Societies of Oceania
Chapter 18: Reaching Out: Cross-Cultural Interactions
Long-Distance Trade and Travel
Crisis and Recovery
Exploration and Colonization


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