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Author: Ehrenbach, Barbara
Edition/Copyright: 2009
ISBN: 0-8050-8749-4
Publisher: Metro Paperbacks
Type: Hardback
Used Print:  $17.25
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"We're always being told that looking on the bright side is good for us, but now we see that it's a great way to brush off poverty, disease, and unemployment, to rationalize an order where all the rewards go to those on top. The people who are sick or jobless-why, they just aren't thinking positively. They have no one to blame but themselves. Barbara Ehrenreich has put the menace of positive thinking under the microscope. Anyone who's ever been told to brighten up needs to read this book."-Thomas Frank, author of The Wrecking Crew and What's the Matter with Kansas? "Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil: please read this relentlessly sensible book. It's never too late to begin thinking clearly."-Frederick Crews, author of Follies of the Wise: Dissenting Essays "Barbara Ehrenreich's skeptical common sense is just what we need to penetrate the cloying fog that passes for happiness in America."-Alan Wolfe, author of The Future of Liberalism "In this hilarious and devastating critique, Barbara Ehrenreich applies some much needed negativity to the zillion-dollar business of positive thinking. This is truly a text for the times."-Katha Pollitt, author of The Mind-Body Problem: Poems "Unless you keep on saying that you believe in fairies, Tinker Bell will check out, and what's more, her sad demise will be your fault! Barbara Ehrenreich scores again for the independent-minded in resisting this drool and all those who wallow in it."-Christopher Hitchens, author of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything "In this hard-hitting but honest appraisal, America's cultural skeptic Barbara Ehrenreich turns her focus on the muddled American phenomenon of positive thinking. She exposes the pseudoscience and pseudointellectual foundation of the positive-thinking movement for what it is: a house of cards. This is a mind-


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