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Brand Relevance (Hardback)
Brand Relevance (Hardback)
Author: AAKER
Edition/Copyright: 2011
ISBN: 0-470-61358-0
Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Type: Print On Demand
Used Print:  $24.75
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Substantial market trends and transformational innovations are creating markets and making others irrelevant. The result is a major threat for nearly every business and a significant opportunity for a few. This book will be the first marketing strategy book to develop and leverage the concept of brand relevance. To remain relevant, a firm can create a new category or subcategory-- such as iPod, Cirque du Soleil, and eBay did-- where competitors are eliminated. Or a firm can redefine an existing category or subcategory by creating or elevating an offering feature or characteristic--as Prius created a subcategory defined by gas mileage and technology, or Westin did with its Heavenly Bed. In either case, a firm can create or own a new business arena or submarket in which some or all competitors are not relevant. Instead of being the best, the goal is to be the only--making competitors irrelevant.


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