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Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results
Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results
Author: Booth, David
Edition/Copyright: 2010
ISBN: 0-07-162859-2
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $18.75
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When faced with the task of making a presentation, many of us focus on the facts of what we want to say, and fill slide after slide with P.O.S. data cross-referenced with N.O.I. minus C.A. plus a Q.R.D.A. and pray that we'll make a good impression, present a convincing argument, and be remembered for being "on."
It's only when we hear our audience snoring that we realize we've gone about it all wrong. Scientific research has proven that presenting correct data is only 5 percent of the "persuasion" puzzle. The other 95 percent of giving an inspiring, memorable and persuasive presentation is emotional--it's learning how to strike an emotional chord with your audience so that they remember what you said and are truly persuaded by your ideas.
In Own the Room, readers learn the art of the "Eloqui Method," a technique which taps into the persuasive, emotional aspects of presentations that has been employed over the past 15 years by Fortune 500 Companies such as Microsoft, Mattel, Merrill Lynch, Boeing and Pfizer. Using the "Eloqui Method," readers learn the secrets to a knock-your-socks-off presentation developed by the unusual team of an award-winning actor, who gives readers easy-to-use acting techniques learned from years on the stage, a corporate media executive, who knows what clients and CEOs really want to hear, and a psychologist with a specialty in memory and stage fright, who tells readers how to overcome their own fears and activate those parts of an audience's brain that are responsible for memory.
The unique combination of these three talents results in presentations that are effective, dynamic, and remarkably persuasive!
� Great CorporateConnections: The authors regularly work with and speak to the employees of Fortune 500 companies like Pfzier, Mattel, Merrill Lynch and Microsoft. This fall, for example, they are giving a presentation on the Eloqui method to over 10,000 Microsoft Employees. MH Sales Feature
� Strong and Growing Topic: As classic books such as Words that Work, The Psychology of Persuasion and How to Talk To Anyone and recent bestsellers such as Presentation Zen and The Back of the Napkin prove, there is market hungry for more books on persuasion and presentations.
� Impressive Partnerships: Eloqui has an impressive network of strategic partners, from Tony Parinello (Selling to VITO), Keith Ferrazzi (Never Eat Alone) and Jeffery Fox (The Keys to Success). Our authors will link to these authors' sites and appear on their radio programs.
� Great Platform: The authors are members of an extensive business organization called ProVisors, with over 1,000 members. The members are decision makers in law, accounting, financial services, consulting and insurance.
� Unique author combination: The Eloqui method combines the talents of a classically-trained actor, a film-director and corporate insider, and a clinical psychologist/university professor to deliver a presentation style unlike any other.


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