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Theories of Development
Theories of Development
Author: Crain, William
Edition/Copyright: 5TH 05
ISBN: 0-13-184991-3
Publisher: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Type: Paperback
Used Print:  $64.50
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Table of Contents

This engaging book, written with the help of extensive scholarship and leading scholars, introduces learners to twenty-four different theorists and compares and contrasts their theories on how we develop as individuals.Emphasizing the theories that follow and build upon the developmental tradition established by Rousseau, this text also covers theories in the environmental / learning tradition. For individuals interested in the psychology of child development.

  Table of Contents

1. Early Theories: Preformationism, Locke, and Rousseau.

2. Gesell's Maturational Theory.

3. Ethological Theories: Darwin, Lorenz and Tinbergen, Bowlby, and Ainsworth.

4. Montessori's Educational Philosophy.

5. Werner's Organismic and Comparative Theory.

6. Piaget's Cognitive-Developmental Theory.

7. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development.

8. Learning Theory: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner.

9. Bandura's Social Learning Theory.

10. Vygotsky's Social-Historical Theory of Cognitive Development.

11. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory.

12. Erikson and the Eight Stages of Life.

13. Mahler's Separation/Individuation Theory.

14. A Case Study in Psychoanalytic Treatment: Bettelheim on Autism.

15. Schachtel on Childhood Experiences.

16. Jung's Theory of Adulthood.

17. Chomsky's Theory of Language Development.

18. Conclusion: Humanistic Psychology and Developmental Theory.

Epilogue: A Developmental Perspective on the Standards Movement.


Name Index.

Subject Index.


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